
SCA Spotlight Athlete: Emery Hart '23

St. Cecilia Academy
Emery Hart is the Scarab Nation Spotlight Athlete.  Emery is a sophomore and member of the varsity track team and focuses on mid-distance events. 
When asked about Emery, head track coach, Bryan Picklesimer said, “Emery is a fantastic member of the team and works so hard every day.  She is always willing to do whatever we ask at a moment’s notice.  Her graceful, smooth stride makes her look so elegant on the track, but underneath the elegance is a fierce competitor who hate to lose.  Emery is someone we are so glad to have on the team and look forward to watching her continue to dominate this season.”  We sat down with Emery to find out what makes her such a great competitor. 
Question:  How long have you been playing this sport?
Answer:  Since we did not have track last year, this is my first year running track. 
Question:  What do you love most about this sport?
Answer:  The meets are the best part. 
Question:  Who is your biggest rival?
Answer:  I don’t have one, yet. 
Question:  Do you have any pregame rituals or traditions?
Answer:  Not really, just lots of stretching. 
Question:  Do you have plans to compete collegiately?
Answer:  I hope so!
Question:  How close are you all as a team?
Answer:  Very close, we love being together. 
Question:  What are your goals for this season?
Answer:  To win.
Question:  What do you attribute your success to?
Answer:  Motivational parents, coaches, and teammates.
Question:  What is your favorite TV show?
Answer:  The Office
Question:  What is the top song on your playlist right now?
Answer:  Anything by Taylor Swift
Question:  What is your favorite snack food?
Answer:  Goldfish
Question:  What is your favorite pre-race meal?
Answer:  I don’t really have a go to pre-race meal. 
Question:  If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
Answer:  Taylor Swift
Question:  What do you love most about being a Scarab?
Answer:  The great friendships I have built here. 