We are pleased to announce that The Honorable Ana L. Escobar, a 1988 graduate of St. Cecilia Academy, is the 2025 SCA Outstanding Alumnae of the Year. This honor is given each year to an alumna nominated by her peers for her service and commitment to SCA, along with leadership and outstanding service in her family, faith, community, vocation, or profession.
Congratulations to Zara Onodingene '27 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Zara is a member of the SCA Track Team. Read the full interview with Zara!
Two St. Cecilia Academy juniors were named 2025 Student Visionaries of the Year by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Alexandra Epstein and Kirsten Tumanda were honored at the Nashville LLS Grand Finale having raised more than $100,000 to fight blood cancers as leaders of St. Cecilia’s Fight for Life Team. This amount was the largest generated by any group in Nashville and across Tennessee.
Congratulations to Maddie Scharf '28 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Maddie is a member of the SCA Lacrosse Team. Read the full interview with Maddie!
Congratulations to Emma Golczynski '25 who was named Student of the Month by the Bellevue Exchange Club. As a resident of Bellevue, Golczynski was nominated by St. Cecilia administration based on her strong academics and good citizenship. She is Vice President of Sodality, has been a Search leader, and is active in her local community.
Congratulations to Maggie Crosslin '26 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Maggie is a member of the SCA Track and Field Team. Read the full interview with Maggie!
St. Cecilia Academy sent a delegation of 29 students and five staff members to attend the National March for Life in Washington, D.C., in January.
While there, the students were witnesses to the sanctity of human life as part of the March, and they joined many thousands of other young people at Life Fest, an event hosted by the Sisters of Life and the Knights of Columbus.
During their last three home competitions, the St. Cecilia Academy varsity basketball team partnered with Ascension Saint Thomas to host Pink Out games in support of breast cancer awareness and research. SCA athletes warmed up in pink cancer awareness t-shirts, spectators were encouraged to dress in pink, and the school donated the gate proceeds to the Ascension Saint Thomas Foundation for cancer research.
St. Cecilia Academy alumna Katherine Frensley, class of 2016, was selected as an Artist in Residence at Arcade Arts Nashville. Founded in 2023, Arcade Arts provides rent-free studio and gallery space with a mission to champion the visual arts in historic downtown Nashville.
After seeing posts about the renovated space and new program, Frensley knew she wanted to apply.
Congratulations to Didi Umeukeje '25 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Didi is a member of the SCA Basketball Team. Read the full interview with Didi!
Congratulations to Masley Reising '28 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Masley is a member of the SCA Basketball Team. Read the full interview with Masley!
Congratulations to Mariela Sanchez '28 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Mariela is a member of the SCA Bowling Team. Read the full interview with Mariela!
Congratulations to Ann Curley '28 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Ann is a member of the SCA Swimming Team. Read the full interview with Ann!
Congratulations to Korlyn Bowden '27 for being named the SCA Athlete of the Week! Korlyn is a member of the SCA Basketball Team. Read the full interview with Korlyn!