Campus Life

Lenten Resources

What is Lent?
Lent is the 40-day period leading up to Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It is a penitential season celebrated primarily by the Catholic Church and some other Christian traditions. During Lent there is a focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These spiritual exercises help prepare us for the celebration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, more frequently known as the Paschal Mystery.

As you and your family prepare for this beautiful liturgical season, here are a few resources that may help you:
Things to fast from other than food:
  • Stick to a schedule
  • Start on time and end on time
  • Stay off social media – or fast from social media at specific times during the day/evening
  • Compliment people
  • Let others choose music, movies, tv shows etc. with a cheerful spirit.
  • Lessen a spouse’s burden by doing one undesirable task per day/week.
  • Drop whatever you are doing whenever someone asks your assistance.
  • Commit to a walk or exercise routine.
  • Turn your phone off and spend quality time with a friend/spouse/child in the evening.
  • Drive in silence and converse with God.
  • Do not hit snooze in the morning.
  • Go to bed early – or on time.
  • Do not give your opinion unless you’re asked for it.
  • Avoid talking about certain topics such as yourself, complaining, negativity, or gossip.
Pick “one thing”
While the Lenten season is full of fasting and sacrifices, you are all encouraged to select the “one thing” you can do throughout Lent to help you and your family prepare spiritually. Below are some suggestions to get you started; these can be done individually or with family and friends.
  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – Sundays and weekdays
    • Read the Gospel beforehand to prepare for Mass or increase how often you attend daily Mass
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
    • Work on forgiving others in your daily life and attend Penance Services at your local parish
  • Stations of the Cross on Fridays
    • This is a beautiful way to reflect upon the Passion of Christ and the ways that He suffered.
  • Eucharistic Adoration
    • Stop by your local Perpetual Adoration chapel to spend time with Jesus. He is available all day every day.
  • Pray a Rosary with the Sorrowful Mysteries
    • Pick a time daily or weekly to spend time in this prayer to see Jesus through the Blessed Mother’s point of view