Dear Friends,
Greetings in Christ! It is a privilege to serve as the principal of St. Cecilia Academy, founded in 1860 to provide rigorous, faithful, Catholic education in a joyful, all-girls environment.
Saint Josemaría Escriva, my patron saint, once said, “Human life - your life - and its humdrum, ordinary business, have a meaning which is divine, which belongs to eternity.” At SCA, we strive to foster awareness of this divine meaning in the minds and hearts of all our students. No matter where a St. Cecilia girl is—in the English classroom, in the chemistry lab, on the sports fields, in the theater—we know that Christ is with her, Christ is seeking her heart, and He can be found not only in her prayer, but also in her study, community, service, and all manner of extracurricular activities. A St. Cecilia education is the daily adventure of discovering Christ’s presence in the seemingly ordinary details of life.
Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), prized study as a cornerstone of Dominican life, and we continue this tradition at SCA. Our faculty are committed to fostering each girl’s unique gifts, helping her to seek, to know, and to love the truth. In short, the Dominican difference is an academically rigorous approach to educating students in truth and charity within a nurturing community marked by grace, friendship, freedom, and confidence.
St. Cecilia Academy, named for the patron saint of music and the arts, has always been known for its focus on both the fine arts and performing arts. The arts are an especially treasured way for us to foster the discipline, creativity, and joy so essential to a life well-lived.
Through her pursuit of academics and the arts, as well as her enjoyment of her friends’ academic and artistic accomplishments, a St. Cecilia girl is led to rejoice in truth and beauty, confident in her ability to love and serve, and confident that even an ordinary life can be filled with extraordinary meaning and joy.
I hope to meet you on campus soon. God bless you!
In Christ,

Sister Josemaría, O.P.