
SCA Students and Staff Join Thousands at March for Life

St. Cecilia Academy sent a delegation of 29 students and five staff members to attend the National March for Life in Washington, D.C., in January. 

While there, the students were witnesses to the sanctity of human life as part of the March, and they joined many thousands of other young people at Life Fest, an event hosted by the Sisters of Life and the Knights of Columbus.
“St. Cecilia Academy has had a long history of sending students to March for Life,” said Sister Josemaria, O.P., SCA principal. “It’s a formative event for them and one that teaches about advocacy and peaceful witness to the dignity of every human life in service of giving voice to the unborn.”

Speakers for the March of Life included Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; Lila Rose, president of Life Action; Bishop Daniel Thomas of Toledo and the chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities; and Vice President JD Vance. 

“I learned that my opinion matters and needs to be shared,” said sophomore Nora Rieck. “While on the March I saw many things that made me realize the importance of bring pro-life and using my voice for the little voices that will never be heard.”

“It was uplifting to attend March for Life and to see people who agree with the same things I care about,” said sophomore Bridget Curphey. “It was a positive environment and strengthened my resolve to speak for those with no voice.” 

Last year, St. Cecilia introduced a new Philosophy department and curriculum. The multi-year course develops habits of clear thinking and reasoning while deepening students’ understanding of human dignity, intellect, and ethics.  

“It was wonderful for the girls to make connections while at March for Life,” said Sister Josemaria. “They participated in a cause of passion and were able to articulate the ‘why’ to others because of the intellectual foundation set by SCA and supported by their parents at home.” 

“I had an encounter in the bathroom with a lady who approached my friends and me,” said freshman Aylin Rodriguez Amaro. “She asked us why we marched for life. We answered her questions, and she listened respectfully. We hope that we planted a seed of understanding by explaining why it was important to us.”
Rodriguez Amaro’s sister, SCA junior Emily, continues to apply her experience in D.C. through prayer. She says she prays every day for pregnant women to choose life instead of an abortion. 

“Praying for women to change their minds is special because their eyes are open to truth,” said Emily Rodriguez Amaro. “Seeing them make a different choice is inspiring because they can share their testimony and persuade others to choose life, too.”