News Detail


Congratulations, Kathleen Cassman, on five years at St. Cecilia Academy. Mrs. Cassman teaches high school Latin and Spanish. She likes teaching at SCA because of the community and the way she can give personalized attention to her students.
Mrs. Cassman grew up in Prospect Park, PA, and graduated with a BA from Franklin & Marshall College. Her first faculty position was with the Tatnall School in Wilmington, DE where she taught for eight years. When she moved to Nashville, she joined the faculty at Harding Academy where she taught Latin for four years.

She decided to join St. Cecilia because of the community. She says, “I wanted to be part of a beautiful Catholic community and to teach high school. My prior roles were either a combination of middle and high school or middle school only. While I loved it, it was time for a change.”

She cites the SCA community as exceeding her expectations and says that everyone contributes to making the environment special including her colleagues, the administration, students, parents, and alumnae. One tradition is Spirit Week. She states, “My first time experiencing Spirit Week was definitely something I had never seen before. The enthusiasm and energy was incredible.”

When asked to describe St. Cecilia, she said, “It’s an amazing school, and you get personalized attention from caring faculty.”

In her free time, Mrs. Cassman likes to travel with her husband on weekend gas-tank trips or on long-distance flights.

Thank you, Mrs. Cassman, for your five years of service to St. Cecilia Academy!